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In 2000, the first designer baby was created in the United States. Molly Nash was born in July 4, 1994 with multiple birth defects due to Fanconi anemia. This is a deadly genetic disease that causes bone marrow failure, ultimately resulting in leukemia and other types of cancers. Molly would need a bone marrow transplant from a perfectly matched sibling donor. Lisa and Jack Nash decided against another child because there was a 25% chance that the new child would inherit the same disease and abortion was definitely out of the question.

(Citation 1, 2)





designer babies

genetic disorders





Since Adam, couples have the option of creating their own designer baby to save their sick child or prevent their baby from inheriting a genetic disorder. 


Soon Mr. and Mrs. Nash learned about preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), allowing them to screen embryos for the disease. After several eggs, a miscarriage, and switching IVF centers, Lisa became pregnant in December 1999. Adam Nash was born on August 29, 2000. Adam's tissue was then collected from his umbilical cord and successfully used to replace Molly's bone marrow. Molly's transplant did not cure her of Faconi anemia, but  did prevent her from developing leukemia.

(Citation 1, 2)



In 2002, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority allowed fertility clinics in Britain to create babies to help another person. A year later, the first UK designer baby was born to provide stem cells for a sibling in need.


Jack, Lisa, Molly, and Adam Nash

(Image/Multimedia Citation 41)


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